As the confirmation season for college classes at colleges is going to begin, the top advanced education controller of the country UGC has cautioned understudies and colleges with respect to the act of ragging at grounds.
Ragging is a criminal offense and advanced education foundations should follow guidelines set by the commission to forestall it, UGC said.
“… ragging is a criminal offense and UGC has outlined guidelines on controling the threat of ragging in higher instructive establishments to restrict, forestall and dispense with the scourge of ragging. These guidelines are compulsory and all establishments are expected to make important strides for its execution in all including the observing system,” it said.
Any infringement of these guidelines will be seen genuinely, UGC said, and added on the off chance that any establishment neglects to find satisfactory ways to forestall ragging or doesn’t act as per these guidelines or neglects to rebuff culprits it will draw in reformatory activity against the foundation.
The commission has requested that colleges structure against ragging board, hostile to ragging crew and cell, place CCTV camers at imperative places, alerts and coordinate classes as preventive measures. It has likewise requested that foundations update their sites with contact subtleties of nodal officials designated for the reason.
“Ordinary cooperation and guiding with the understudies, recognizable difficult situation triggers and notice of Against Ragging advance notice in the foundation’s E-outline and E-data booklets/pamphlets should be guaranteed.”
Shock examination of lodgings, understudies, convenience, containers, rest cum sporting rooms, latrines, transport stands should be done and Hostile to Ragging banners should be shown at all noticeable spots like Confirmation community, Divisions, Library, flask, Inn, Normal offices and so on,” UGC said.
Tending to understudies, the commission said on the off chance that they are in trouble due to ragging related occurrences, they can call the Public Enemy of Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 or email at
If there should be an occurrence of a crisis, they can contact UGC observing organization place for Youth (c4Y) on O9818044577.
UGC further requested that HEIs make it necessary for understudies and guardians to present a web based endeavor each scholastic year.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan