AP EAMCET 2021 final phase web based counselling registration will be held from December 2 to December 3. Seats will be allotted on December 9. “The allotment will be placed on 08.12.2021 after 6.00 p.m,” the official notification reads.
“The processing fee for web counseling is Rs.1200/- (for OC/BC) and Rs. 600/- (for SC/ST). The candidates are instructed to pay through online by credit card/ debit card/net banking etc in web site https://sche.ap.gov.in. All the candidates from 1 to Last Rank can pay the processing fee from 02.12.2021 to 03.12.2021 using URL https://sche.ap.gov.in,” the AP EAMCET qualified candidates have been informed.
Candidates have to exercise their options again. “Options given in the 1st Phase will not be considered for this final phase of counselling for allotment of a seat and candidates have to exercise options afresh,” the counselling notification reads. The options will be frozen on December 6 and candidates cannot modify further.
The Department of Technical Education is conducting admissions to the candidates into various Engineering and Pharmacy Courses who passed Intermediate or its equivalent and qualified in EAPCET (Engineering Agriculture and Pharmacy Common Entrance Test), also known as AP EAMCET.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com