BIS Recruitment 2022: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) will begin the application process for 337 Stenographer, Assistant Section Officer (ASO), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Senior Secretariat Assistant (SSA), Senior Technician, Personal Assistant (PA), Assistant, and other posts tomorrow, April 19.
The last date to apply for these posts is May 9.
The admit cards for the written examination will be published 10 days ahead of the examination. The test will tentatively be held in June 2022.
Here are more information about the vacancies:
This recruitment drive will fill up 337 vacancies –
Director (Legal): 1 vacancy
Assistant Director: 3
Personal Assistant: 28
Assistant Section Officer: 47
Assistant (Computer Aided Design): 2
Stenographer: 22
Senior Secretariat Assistant: 100
Horticulture Supervisor: 1
Technical Assistant (Laboratory): 47
Senior Technician post: 25
The application fee for the posts of Assistant Director (Hindi), Assistant Director (Administration & Finance), and Assistant Director (Marketing & Consumer Affairs) is ₹800 , and for other positions, it is ₹500.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan