BPSC 67th Prelims Admit Card: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) will issue admit cards for the 67th Combined Competitive Examination (Preliminary) re-examination or BPSC 67th CCE re-exam today, September 14. Once published, candidates can download it from bpsc.bih.nic.in or on onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in.
Previously, the examination was scheduled for September 21 and admit cards for it were scheduled to be released on September 14. However, the commission later informed that the examination has been postponed till September 30 and admit cards will be released on September 20.
BPSC did not clarify why 67th CCE re-exam has been postponed.
According to the previous schedule, the exam was to be held on September 21 and admit cards were supposed to be released on September 14. However, as per the latest information on bpsc.bih.nic.in, the exam has been postponed till September 30.
The re-exam which is scheduled for September 30 will be held from 12 pm to 2 pm and candidates have to enter the exam venue before 11 am.
BPSC 67th CCE is for filling up 807 posts in various government departments across the state.
How to download BPSC 67th Prelims admit card
Go to the official website of BPSC, bpsc.bih.nic.in or onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in.
On the homepage, find and click on the admit card link.
Enter your log in details.
Admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com