Central Silk Board has invited applications to recruit 60 trainers and training assistants. “Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to attend a walk-in interview for posts of Trainer and Training Assistant on contractual basis under the “Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector” known as Samarth implemented in Varanasi Cluster (Varanasi & adjoining districts of Uttar Pradesh) for the period of one year or completion of allocated training target, whichever is earlier,” the Board has said.
The last date for submission of applications is November 17. Interested candidates should forward the filled-in application along with supporting documents through email: training.csb@nic.in / rond.csb@nic.in.
“The interview will be conducted at Varanasi in the last week of November 2021. The date and venue will be intimated through email/telephonic call and will be published in the website csb.gov.in,” the Board has informed candidates. The place of work is at training centres located in Varanasi, Azamgarh, Sonbhadra and other adjoining districts to Varanasi.
Candidates should refer to the job details before applying.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com