CSIR – National Institute of Oceanography has invited applications for the post of Scientists. The application process is underway and the last date for the submission of application form is April 30. Candidates can apply online through the official website of CSIR – National Institute of Oceanography at www.nio.org.
CSIR – NIO recruitment vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 22 vacancies of Scientist.
CSIR – NIO recruitment age limit: The maximum age of the candidates should be 32 years as on April 30.
According to government orders in effect, the maximum age limit for SC/ST and OBC is relaxable up to 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC only in those circumstances where the post is reserved for respective categories. Upper age limit is also relaxable up to 05 years for the regular employees working in CSIR Laboratories/Institutes, Government Departments, autonomous bodies and public sectors undertakings.
CSIR – NIO recruitment application fee: Candidates have to pay ₹100 as application fee. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Women/CSIR Employees/Abroad Candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
CSIR – NIO recruitment: Know how to apply
Visit the official website of CSIR-NIO at www.nio.org
Click on the ‘Vacancies’ tab the on ‘Permeant’
Fill the application form
Upload all the required documents
Pay the application fee
Submit application form.
After the online submission of the application form take print out of the application form accompanied by self-attested copies of the certificates and all the required documents and post to the address: Administrative Officer, CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa-403004.
The post should reach on or before May 16 to the above mentioned address.
Check detailed notification here
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com