IBPS clerk prelims admit cards 2021: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection on Friday, November 26 released the admit cards or hall tickets for the IBPS clerk preliminary examination 2021 (CRP Clerk XI). The admit card will be available for download until December 19.
Direct link to download IBPS clerk prelims admit cards 2021
Steps to download the IBPS CRP Clerk XI admit cards:
1) Go to IBPS’s official website
2) Click on link for download of CRP- CLERK -XI – preliminary admit cards
3) You will be directed to a login page
4) Enter registration no/roll no and password/DOB in dd-mm-yy format
5) Enter Captcha code and click on login to download the call letter
The institute has also released the information handout for the exam which can be downloaded by clicking here. https://www.ibps.in/wp-content/uploads/IBPS-CLERK-IH-2021-XI-Preliminary-EN.pdf
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com