Kamala Nehru College, Delhi has invited applications to fill vacancies in various non-teaching posts. Interested candidates can apply at the official website of the college till December 6 along with ₹200 as application fee. Female candidates and candidates belonging to SC, ST and PwBD categories are exempted from paying the fees.
Kamala Nehru College recruitment apply online
Kamala Nehru College, Delhi recruitment 2021: Vacancy details
- Senior Personal Assistant: 1 post
- Professional Assistant (Library): 1 post
- Senior Technical Assistant (Computers): 1 post
- Junior Assistant and Junior Assistant cum Caretaker: 4 posts
- Library Attendant: 4 posts
- MTS Laboratory Attendant (Psychology): 1 post
“All the posts will be filled as per the Recruitment Rules of the University of Delhi. The qualifications and other service conditions shall be such as prescribed by the University of Delhi from time to time,” the college has said.
Candidates will be called for written exam and skill test. “Only those applicants, who qualify the exam, should bring their duly filled online application form along with the self-attested copies of all testimonials to “The Principal (Officiating), Kamala Nehru College, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi110049 as per schedule,” the college has informed candidates.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com