Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh has invited application for the post of posts of Jr. Auditor on direct recruitment basis. The application process is ongoing and the deadline for the submission of the online application process is May 5.
PGIMER Recruitment vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 9 vacancies of Jr. Auditor.
PGIMER Recruitment application fee: The application fee is ₹1500 for all others including General/OBC. For SC category the application fee is ₹800. Persons with Bench-mark Disabilities (PwBD) are exempted from the payment of application fee.
PGIMER Recruitment: Know how to apply
Visit the official website of PGIMER at
Click on the recruitment tab
Click on the link that reads, “ONLINE applications from the citizens of India for filling up the posts of JUNIOR AUDITOR (Group C)vide Advt. No. PGI/RC/026/2022/657 dated 05.04.2022”
Click on the online application
Fill the application form
Pay the application fee
Submit the application form
Keep the hard copy of the same for future reference.
Interested candidates can check the detailed notification below:
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan