Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) will close the application process for school lecturer posts on June 4. Eligible and interested candidates can apply on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in or recruitment.rajasthan.gov.in.
RPSC had previously released syllabus of the written test for these posts.
This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill over 6000 vacancies of school lecturers.
The application fee for general applicants is ₹350 and for OBC/ MBC/ EWS candidates, it is ₹250, and ₹150 for SC/ ST/ BPL candidates.
RPSC School Lecturer Recruitment: Apply here
RPSC school lecturer: vacancy details
Biology: 162 posts
Commerce: 130 posts
Music: 12 posts
Drawing: 70 posts
Agriculture: 280 posts
Geography: 793 posts
History: 807 posts
Hindi: 1462 posts
Political Science: 1196 posts
English: 342 posts
Sanskrit: 194 posts
Chemistry: 122 posts
Home Science: 22 posts
Physics: 82 posts
Maths: 68 posts
Economics: 62 posts
Sociology: 13 posts
Public Administration: 09 posts
Punjabi: 15 posts
Urdu: 40 posts
Coach Wrestling: 01 post
Coach Kho Kho: 01 post
Coach Hockey: 01 post
Coach Gymnastic: 01 post
Coach Football: 03 posts
Physical Education: 112 posts
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com