SAMS Odisha +2 Merit List: Department of School and Mass Education Odisha has releaseed SAMS Odisha 1st merit list for Higher Secondary School (HSS) or Class 11 or +2 admissions. Students can check the SAMS Odisha Plus two merit list on SAMS Odisha +2 merit list live updates
Selected candidates can visit their allotted schools to take admission. They have to bring the intimation letter and documents to complete the admission process. They will also have to pay the admission fee.
Admission under the first merit list will be between August 19 and 26.
SAMS Odisha +2 merit list download link
Along with merit list, cut-off marks for different schools have also been published.
Students need to carry the following documents at the time of admission:
- Original certificates (Marksheet, SLC, Conduct Certificate, Migration Certificate, Reservation and Weightage certificates as mentioned in the intimation letter).
- Three colour, passport-size photographs.
Those who apply for slide up/transfer to another higher secondary school, the school where they had taken admission before will refund the entire fees taken, after deducting ₹100, an official statement said.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan