Telangana State Public Help Commission (TSPSC) has welcomed applications for the post of Associate Chief Architects in Different Designing Divisions in the Territory of Telangana. The application interaction initiated on September 22 and the cutoff time for the accommodation of use structure is October 14. Intrigued competitors can apply online through the authority site of TSPSC at
TSPSC enlistment 2022 opportunity subtleties: This enrollment drive is being led to fill 1540 Partner Chief Architects posts.
TSPSC enrollment 2022 age limit: The up-and-comers age ought to be between the age of 18 to 44 years.
TSPSC enlistment 2022 application expense: The application handling charge is ₹200 and assessment charge is ₹120.
TSPSC AEE enlistment 2022: How to apply
Visit official site at
Go to ‘New Enrollment OTR’ and continue with the application
Top off the application structure, transfer archives, and pay the charge
Present the structure and take a printout for future reference.
All Sources/Pictures/Credit By:- Hindustan