UPSC civil services 2020 recommended candidates have been allocated service cadres, as per the update available on the official website of the Department of Personnel and Training. A total of 668 candidates have been allocated cadres.
Selection to the civil services is done through a preliminary exam, a main written exam and interview.
UPSC Civil Services 2020 cadre allocation list
“The result of Civil Services Examination, 2020 shall be subject to the outcome of the Writ Petition(s) (C) No. 5153/2020 & 7351/2020 pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi. Therefore, Service Allocation to candidates recommended by UPSC on the basis of CSE-2020 is subject to changes as may be necessitated consequentially,” the notification available on the DoPT website reads.
“It is further clarified that the upgradation of Service shall not be done against the vacancies arisen due to cancellation of candidature of higher merit candidates or non-joining of any candidate to the allocated Service/ death/ resignation after joining the Service/ claim of reservation or eligibility documents found invalid on verification even after joining the Service, etc.,” it adds.
The final result of the UPSC civil services 2020 was released on September 24.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan