Union Public Service Commission will conduct UPSC NDA Exam 2022 on September 4, 2022. The exam will be conducted for National Defence Academy and Naval Academy on the same day.
UPSC NDA 2022: Exam Timings
The examination will be conducted in two shifts- first shift will be conducted from 10 am onwards and second shift will be conducted from 2 pm onwards. The Commission will close the entry into the examination venue 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the examination. No candidate shall be allowed the entry into the Examination Venue after closure of the entry.
UPSC NDA 2022: Guidelines for candidates
Candidates who will appear for the examination can check the guidelines given below before appearing for it.
- All the appearing candidates will not be allowed to appear at any other exam venue except the examination venue mentioned in the e-admit card.
- Candidates are also advised to bring Black Ball Point Pen as the candidates shall be required to fill the Attendance List and the OMR Answer Sheet with Black Ball Point Pen only.
- Wearing of mask/face cover is mandatory for all candidates. Candidates without mask/face cover will not be allowed entry into the Venue. All the appearing candidates will have to follow social distancing as well as personal hygiene inside the exam halls. Aspirants can carry their own hand sanitizer in transparent bottles.
- Mobile phone, pager or any electronic device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device are banned inside the Examination Hall.
- Candidates may submit representations, if any, on the questions asked in the Question Papers of this Examination to the Commission through the “Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep)” only by accessing the official link given in the official notice within a period of Seven (07) days from the date of Examination.
All Sources/Images/Credit By:- Hindustan Times.com