Kakasana (‘kak’ means crow) is one of the yoga poses for the foundation of all the arm balance postures.
You can practice the shape of the pose on your back first, starting in Happy Baby Pose and then recreating the shape of Kakasana on your back.

Instructions for Kakasana (Crow pose)
- Squat on the floor with feet hip-width apart.
- Place the hands flat on the floor in front of the feet with the fingers facing forward. Keep the fingers wide apart.
- Bend the elbows outwards.
- Rise on your toes lean forward and place the knee in such a way that the inside of the knee touches the outside of the upper arm as near as possible to the armpits.
- Lean forward further transferring the body weight to the arms and lifting one foot after the other.
- Bring the feet together. Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable.
- Slowly lower the feet to the floor and relax.
Note:- Retain the breath in the final position if holding the pose for a short period. Breathe normally if holding for a longer period. For a precautionary measure keep a pillow or some soft cushion in front of you, because there can be a tendency to fall on your face.
If you are New to Practicing Kakasana
There are lots of different props you can use when you’re new to practicing Kakasana.

Blanket/Bolster: Place a folded yoga blanket or yoga bolster on the ground below where your face or forehead might land if you fall. This helps build confidence and is also useful to soften your falls!
Lift only one foot: Practice lifting only one foot off the ground. Do this a few times on one side, then do the same on the other side. This will help you gain confidence, build arm strength and improve your ability to balance.
Use a chair: This can take a bit of practice to do! Set a chair up at the wall so that the back legs touch the wall. This will help ensure it doesn’t tip over. Place blocks on the ground in front of the chair. Squat on the chair with your back to the wall. Reach your hands down to the blocks. Lean forward and bring your knees to the back of your arms. Keep your feet on the chair seat. Hold Crow Pose here with your feet on the chair, hands on the blocks.
Physical Benefits
- Strengthens arms so they can hold your body weight.
- Strengthens core to help hold you up.
- Strengthens glutes and adductors.
- Strengthens shoulder stabilizers.
- Prepares you for most other arm balances.
- It helps make your wrists stronger.
- Your spine is toned and strengthened.
- Your upper back gets a good stretch.
- The pose can improve your sense of balance and focus.
- Helps to build confidence and courage to help overcome fear.
Precautions for Kakasana (Crow posture)
People who suffer from neck problems like spondylitis should always practice this asana under the guidance of a trained yoga expert.
- Pregnancy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Cerebral thrombosis
All Images/Sources/Credit By :- WomenFitness.Org