Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga Teacher Training is bonafide and one of a kind! All yoga teacher training varies slightly (although less and less with Yoga Alliance setting standards), but our training is another type of beast. If any of you have experienced a Bryan Kest Power Yoga class, you know he broke the mold. If you haven’t tried one, go to poweryoga.com to join and give one of the FREE online yoga classes a try. You will see and hear an approach– not just to yoga– but to life that is not only refreshing, it is intelligent. According to Bryan, if your yoga practice doesn’t help you in your life, it is worthless.
In Los Angeles, the most yoga infatuated city on earth (outside of Rishikesh), where yoga was reborn anew by American spiritual pioneers, and yoga studios are as ubiquitous as coffee shops; creative Angelenos have reinvented this ancient healing exercise to fit a modern people and the issues modernity has imposed. Bryan Kest has led the way.
Bryan’s classes were the biggest and busiest classes in all of the country for three very clear reasons.
1) Bryan spoke English when so many thought they had to speak spiritual mumbo-jumbo. He made yoga simple to understand and practice.
2) Bryan permitted himself to translate yoga into a digestible and approachable practice. In doing this he was purposely encouraging others to do the same. Empowering people to flourish within their uniqueness and extolling that within one’s abilities and limitations lies everything one needs to excel and not to worry about anything else. “Do what you can do and don’t worry about the rest.” Know and believe that if you put in some effort nobody on earth can benefit more than you- it’s impossible. Bryan’s irreverent style of teaching lacks tradition, dogma, and conformity in favor of authenticity and common sense.
3) Bryan’s yoga philosophy made classes inclusive instead of exclusive. In other words, his classes could pretty much accommodate anybody and everybody. From old to young, loose and tight, strong and weak, sick and healthy, spiritual or not, and everything in-between. Anyone
could show up and give it a try and walk away feeling amazing!
An example of Bryan’s approach would be:
Triangle Pose | Power Yoga
Recent tradition would have you position your body in an “appropriate manner” (with the possibility of a few modifications.) Firstly, Bryan would have you step back and understand the futility of a dogmatic or generic pose. In Bryan’s triangle pose, there is only a general outline of the pose, then the real yoga begins as one needs to tune into their uniqueness and discover the appropriate pose, according to one’s genetic lineage and all experiences which have affected one’s body. No two bodies are alike. Now the pose becomes healing as we are working honestly and intimately with what we are feeling. This means being guided by the language and intelligence of one’s body. The result is something more personal and healing and much less generic.
This process requires intense listening to one’s experience within the pose. Bringing the mind and body into unison. This intense listening allows our mind to become quiet and present which frees us from the vicissitudes of our life and we then enter the meditative state of focus and concentration, which is a prerequisite for relaxation and the opposite of the stress that’s poisoning us.
Basically with dogma brushed aside the student and instructor become free to express themselves as they wish and apply the innate wisdom which they have acquired throughout a lifetime of experiences. This is most likely why you have experiences, so you can apply learned
knowledge and evolve.
Again this will be like NO other yoga training please don’t expect it to be.
You will not be asked to listen to Bryan you will be asked to listen to yourself.
If you’d like a generic “yoga alliance” training, THIS TRAINING IS NOT FOR YOU!
Please take a free online yoga class at poweryoga.com and make sure you resonate with Bryan’s personality and style before signing up. 🙂 It’s virtual yoga at your fingertips!
With love and gratitude,
Sincerely, Bryan Kest
P.S. And all that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Other topics explored:
● Yoga philosophy
● The multi-dynamic possibility of all yoga poses
● Brahma yoga
● How to create personalized flowing sequences
● Creating dialogue
● Modifications and yoga for injuries
● How to discover proper alignment
● and believe it or not, so much more 🙂
All Images/Sources/Credit By :- PowerYoga.com