Kartik Ekadashi 2020: Ekadashi is the eleventh lunar day of every one of the two lunar stages which happen in a Hindu schedule month. There are 24 Ekadashis that happen in a total year – two Ekadashis in one month, containing one at the hour of Krishna Paksha and the second at the hour of Shukla Paksha.
Each Ekadashi has a particular name and centrality. The Ekadashi Tithi of the Kartik Maas, Shukla Paksha (waxing period of the Moon) is called Devutthana Ekadashi or Prabodhini Ekadashi.
The day denotes the finish of the four-month time of Chaturmas, a period during which Lord Vishnu stays in a territory of Yogic rest.
On this day, enthusiasts notice a day-long quick and love Lord Vishnu. It is accepted that any individual who devotedly notices quick on this day gets productive outcomes for each sort of work, dispose of the weight of the wrongdoings that he/she may have submitted, and looks for asylum in Vaikuntha.
Devutthana Ekadashi 2020: Date and time
This year, Devutthana Ekadashi Vrat will be seen on November 25, 2020. According to the drikpanchang, the Devutthana Ekadashi tithi starts at 2:42 am on November 25 and closures at 5:10 am on November 26.
Devutthana Ekadashi 2020: Parana time
According to the drikpanchang, lovers who notice a day-long quick, break it on the following day when Dwadashi Tithi wins. This year, Parana time is from 1:12 pm to 3:18 pm, November 26, 2020.
Be that as it may, those aficionados who will notice a quick tomorrow on November 26 should break it day after, for example November 27 between 6:53 am to 7:46 am.
Devutthana Ekadashi 2020: essentialness
With this Ekadashi Tithi, the Chaturmas period, which comprises of the Shravana, Bhadrapada, Ashwina, and Kartik months, reaches a conclusion. It is accepted that Lord Vishnu rests on Shayani Ekadashi and awakens on this day. Along these lines, it is alluded to as Devutthana or Prabodhini, which means God’s enlivening.
On this day, enthusiasts rise promptly in the first part of the day, wear clean garments, notice the quick love of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. It is accepted that Lord Krishna, the ninth manifestation of Lord Vishnu wedded Goddess Vrinda (Tulsi) on Ekadashi. According to drikpanchang, this year, Tulasi Vivah will be seen on Thursday, November 26, 2020. Be that as it may, the event additionally denotes the start of the period of relationships in India.